A-Level Programme

ACU offers A-Level in Science. The Advanced Level (A-Level) Science Programme is a preparatory, certificate-granting programme that serves as the gateway to enter African Christian University or any degree programme elsewhere that requires foundational A-level Science education. It is a science-based “gap-year” programme.

The A-level Science Programme students will take the following courses:

Christian Philosophy of Science
    This course provides a foundation for appreciating the philosophy of science, and the scientific method of inquiry whose influence goes beyond the natural sciences.The aims of the course are to provide a foundation in science philosophy upon which students can pursue higher levels of study. Historic and contemporary developments of physical and natural science will be traced to demonstrate the rich worldview influences while identifying aspects most prone to historical revisionism for ideological purposes.
    In this course learners are introduced to the principles and concepts of biology paying attention to the cell structure and functions, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics and other related topics. Biology taught at ACU is designed in a manner that promotes an understanding of foundational biology from a Christian perspective in addition to developing skills to analyse structural-functional relationships in biological organs, tissues and cells.
    This course provides learners with fundamental concepts of chemistry for continued studies in the sciences paying attention to concepts in stoichiometry, atomic theory and bonding. A-Level Chemistry at ACU is designed in a way that promotes logical problem-solving approach, critical thinking and analytical reasoning through well designed scientific experiments.
    Mathematics at ACU is designed and taught in a manner that gives learners the opportunity to study topics like geometry, calculus, trigonometry and allows them to be able to make sense of the complex and variable world around them through analytical methods in order to draw reliable conclusions. It defines the precision of heavenly bodies, mass and motion. The course is designed to allow learners to develop algebraic geometrical reasoning, and produce well-reasoned answers to extended questions. This course will bolster the students’ foundations in mathematics enabling them to see the significance of structured, quantified thinking to know God.
    In this course learners are introduced to classical mechanics, electromagnetism and electrostatics and other related courses with enriched hands-on focus through well designed experiments illustrating the concepts being studied. Basic principles and concepts of Physics taught in this course provide a foundation for all branches of engineering and other applied sciences which depend on the application of the various consequences of forces, both physical and electromagnetic. Students are challenged to think about the Biblical foundations of Physics.

The 2022 application window is open. Click here to enrol now.

If you need clarification or more information, contact us.

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