ACU Chancellor Conrad Mbewe from African Christian University on Vimeo.
The vision of ACU is to be an excellent tertiary educational institution that glorifies God through a training that is biblical worldview-based, innovative, stewardship-oriented and truly African.
The mission of ACU is to educate students from the Christian worldview in the contemporary and historic body of truths through the classical liberal arts and sciences for all spheres of life and vocations by exercising students' discernment, discipling holistically, and equipping with practical skills.
The goal of ACU is to equip every student through a mentor-cohort approach with the basic truths, knowledge and abilities that allow learning and advancement of skills individually and in unity with others in any discipline of study, interdisciplinary application or technical vocation. This prepares individuals to excel in the wholeness of life. Biblical discernment practiced through studies across history, cultures and disciplines sharpens grammar, rhetoric and logic skills to the highest academic standards. Integrating astute labor in various professions, services and technical vocations most relevant to African developmental needs combined with the exercised ability to self-teach through study and investigation produces servant-leaders able to entrepreneurially innovate benevolent treatment of Africa’s deepest needs.