Course Details
  • Duration

    3 Months

  • Start Date

    2nd June 2025

  • Format

    In Person

  • Location

    African Christian University

  • Fees

    Application Fee | K100

    Course Fee | K3,000 | Flexible Payments

  • For more information, please contact the registrar at

  • Apply Now

Animal Production and Feed Formulation

The Bible teaches us to care for the animals entrusted to us (Proverbs 12:10) and to steward the earth responsibly (Genesis 1:26-28). The livestock sector is a key component of agricultural systems, providing food, employment, and income to millions worldwide. Efficient animal production requires a comprehensive understanding of animal husbandry, nutrition, and feed formulation to maximise productivity, promote animal health, and ensure economic viability. By optimising livestock systems, participants can address food security and income generation while caring for creation through sustainable practices that reflect God’s design for balance and provision.

Sustainable animal production depends on the proper management of livestock and access to high-quality, affordable feed. Feed accounts for a significant portion of production costs, and improper formulation can result in poor animal performance and economic losses. By equipping participants with practical knowledge of animal husbandry and feed formulation, this course empowers them to act as faithful stewards, ensuring efficient resource use, promoting animal health, and minimising environmental impacts. Participants will be encouraged to view their work as a service to their families, communities, and God’s kingdom.


This course will be covered in six units. A breakdown of each unit is given below:

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6
Introduction to Animal Production Principles of Livestock Nutrition Feed Ingredients and Feed Processing Feed Formulation Principles and Techniques Practical Feed Formulation and Preparation Sustainable Livestock Management Practices
Importance of livestock production in food security and livelihoods Basics of animal digestive systems: Ruminants vs. non-ruminants Common feed ingredients: Grains, protein sources, forages, and additives Understanding the concept of least-cost feed formulation Identifying and selecting feed ingredients Housing, disease control, and biosecurity measures
Types of livestock systems: Extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive Nutritional requirements: Energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water Evaluating the nutritional value of feedstuffs Introduction to feed formulation software and manual calculation methods Hands-on feed formulation exercises using real-world examples Environmental impact of feed production and livestock waste management
Major livestock species: Cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, poultry, and fish Factors affecting feed intake, digestibility, and nutrient utilisation Feed processing methods: Grinding, pelleting, mixing, and ensiling Balancing rations for different production goals Processing and mixing feed for various livestock species Integrating livestock production with crop systems
Challenges and opportunities in modern livestock production Importance of balanced nutrition for growth, reproduction, and production Use of alternative and local feed resources to reduce costs Feed formulation Ensuring feed quality, storage, and hygiene Economic considerations and business planning for feed enterprises
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